Sophie Brickman
Plays Well
With Others
Published by William Morrow in Summer 2024
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“I devoured this book with a fervor usually reserved for my nightly bowl of ice cream. But unlike my ice cream, this book was filled with genuinely good stuff—keen insights, sharply observed characters, and astute takes on the sometimes psychotic world of parenting. Also, it is really funny. Sophie Brickman is a phenomenal writer, and this novel spoke to my heart.”
—Ellie Kemper, Emmy-nominated actress and author of My Squirrel Days
“Plays Well with Others is a satirical triumph that delighted me from start to finish. Sophie Brickman is an expert parodist and the targets she's chosen (mommy blogs, celebrity profiles, private school dispatches) couldn't be more satisfying. Brutally witty, richly observed, and laugh-out-loud funny, Plays Well with Others was an absolute joy to read.”
— Simon Rich, author of Glory Days
“Plays Well with Others is one of the funniest books I’ve read in years—a wildly inventive, rule-busting debut that begs to be read in a single sitting. Brickman perfectly captures the absurdity of the way we live now, from the mirage of social media to the blood sport of school admissions. Beneath all the satire, though, is tremendous heart, and a moving exploration of what it means to be a parent in a bewildering world."
— Grant Ginder, author of The People We Hate at the Wedding
“A delightfully hilarious and wildly recognizable portrait of parenting. I actively ignored my own children to finish it—I think Brickman's protagonist, Annie, would approve!”
— Emily Oster, Founder of ParentData and New York Times bestselling author of Expecting Better
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